Club Championships 2023

Sunday 17th September 2023

The club championships were held on Sunday 17th September with an afternoon practice the day before. Due to the idiosyncrasies of NRA target bookings, we shot 1000 yards in the morning (twice) and 300 & 600 in the afternoon. After a dry morning it started to rain at lunchtime. Fortunately, the NRA had left a gazebo on the 300 yard firing point enabling the shooters to stay dry. The rain then stopped just before we shot at 600 yards.

Quite a few people couldn’t make this weekend and a few dropped out at the last minute, including Paul with a bad shoulder. Please do try and attend this event next year.

The scores were as follows:

The trophies were presented after the shoot in the clubhouse as follows:

Frank Clarke Bowl (short range agg) – Glyn Marples

John Winter Salver (short range handicap) – Geoff Baylis

Webster Trophy (long range agg) – Geoff Baylis

Mauger Cup (long range handicap) – Geoff Baylis

Ashworth Cup – Club Champion (overall top score) – Glyn Marples

St.James’s Cup (overall top handicap score) – Geoff Baylis

Taffy Owen Cup (short range scoped rifle) – Tony Hopkins

Two Imperial trophies would normally have been presented. The Gordon Bennett Trophy and the Ernie Spiriti Cup both go to Reg Curtis.