Navy Match 2017

The match against the Navy started with cloudy sky’s and a cold wind, by the afternoon the sun was out and we were all warm. The wind was tricky, especially in the afternoon coming down the range on Stickledown, but flick  left and right.

As no 900 yards targets were available because  a large part of the range was being used at 1200 yards, the  Navy suggest that 1000 and 1100 yards  be booked instead.

We did not have time to shoot ten shot to count at 1100 yards so we shot seven shots to count instead.

We had eight shooters and the Navy six, so I choose six from our eight to be in the team and as usual one of the shooters I did not count in the team had a good score on his first full days full-bore shooting.

It was a close match but we beat the Navy  scoring only 4 points more with the same number of V bulls.

T RuleP Johnson50.548.542.329.1169.14
I DampneyP Johnson47.347.442.128.1164.9
A HopkinsP Johnson46.150.640.028.1164.8
P JohnsonI Dampney47.345.437.127.1156.9
G MarplesT Rule46.245.439.018.0148.6
M SheppardT Rule46.547.427.025.1145.1
A CoxonI Dampney41.
S HopkinsI Dampney47.544.337.021.1149.9
Navy Total697.46
Top Scorer
Lloyds TSBT Rule169.14
NavyI Thompson168.10